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How to Turn a $100 investment into $10,000 with some work!

Hey guys!

I want to present a concept that will completely leave you mind blown!

This concept is completely different from stocks and options!

I am sure you guys have heard of companies like Facebook, Apple, Amazon, Uber, AirBnb, Pinterest, Snapchat, Twitter, Lyft, and GrubHub.

These companies all have one thing in common.

They were all once private equity angel investments limited to accredited investors.

In 2016, the JOBS act was officially mandated.

This stands for jump start our business startup act!

This allows for ordinary people to participate in angel investing.

If you were to lucky enough to invest in Amazon in the early 2000s, you would have received a 145,000X return!

I don’t know about you, but $1000 turning into $145,000,000 within a decade with you absolutely doing nothing but investing seems like an AMAZING DEAL!

Amazon was actually the first company to make multiple billionaires from $10,000 investments!

Angel investing seems complicated, but let me make it simple for you.

  1. You do your due diligence and find a company with a promising idea, team, and proven track record.
  2. You invest an amount that you wouldn’t mind potentially losing (not all investments are 100%)
  3. You receive private equity shares and updates about how the company is doing.
  4. You receive a large amount of money from the company if they have an exit, some companies also offer dividends + equity shares (SUPER GOOD DEAL).

As a member of the options and traders network, I will be personally walking you through the steps and answering any questions you have!

Companies exit via mergers, acquisitions, or going public, aka an IPO on the stock market.

If you invested in a company which takes 5 years or longer to exit, you qualify for Capital Gains Exemption IRC 1202.

This exemption allows you to be 100% tax exempt up to $10,000,000 on capital gain!

If you invested $1000 in Amazon and received $145,000,000. You would only pay taxes on $134,000,000! The first $10,000,000 is exempt, and your $1000 investment is exempt.

Here is another perk for startup investments.

If your company exits before 5 years, let’s say within 3 years. You do not qualify for 100% tax exemption on the capital gain.

However! You qualify for the rollover perk IRC 1045.

This allows you to roll over the money you made from the initial investment into other startups. The perk here is, the duration of your initial investment can be converted into other startups under the same IRC 1202 mandate!

Let’s simplify this. You make $10,000 from your $1000 investment in 3 years. You can choose to cash out and pay tax on $9000, or roll over your capital gains into newer startups. If you chose to rollover your gains, you only need to wait 2 more years or greater, depending on the exit of what you rollover your money into to qualify for 100% tax exemption up to $10,000,000.

This is a pure cash generator, you can rollover funds from one investment into another! Now if you make $10,000 from the first startup, you can easily roll that over into 10 other startups that look promising. Now the gains of $1000 x 10 startups with the potential of 1000X can scale quite drastically!

If you lose your money on the investment and the company tanks, you qualify for IRC 1244.

This allows you to write off the amount of losses on your tax return!

If you invest $1000 and 2 years later the company goes bankrupt.

You can write off $1000 from your tax return!

Talk about minimizing your risk!

I am going to be presenting startup companies which my mentors and I have conducted hours of due diligence on to our network to private discord members. You will want to become a member if you want to get in on this action!

Stay tuned, learn more, ask questions. Become a 6 digit survivor. Check out the live stream.

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I want to point out, I am not a registered investment adviser or broker/dealer. I am a highly profitable options trader who has been successful time after time, and I have changed the lives of many people through the art of trading on the stock market.

– Ken