Today, I am going to explain how one simple indicator can help you day trade super easily!
I use this indicator to see what the day traders are doing to help me time my trades for maximum profit. The simple indicator is called the VWAP!
I used this indicator to hit a 200% day trade winner on June 3. This was day 24 of the live stream. I went in with $500, and walked away with $1000 on the stock ticker SPCE.
The beginning of the day entry video is found here.
The close of the day is found here.
The concept is simple:
VWAP stands for the Volume Weighted Average Price.
This indicator indicates what the average price of most of the volume of the stock is bought at.
You essentially want to buy lower than the average, because it is “Cheap” and sell when the price goes higher than the average (Overpriced).
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I want to point out, I am not a registered investment adviser or broker/dealer. I am a highly profitable options trader who has been successful time after time, and I have changed the lives of many people through the art of trading on the stock market.
– Ken