Hey it’s Ken!
Today I got a special guest invitation to view a live Zoom conference between my mentor and the legendary Wolf of Wall Street, Jordan Belfort.
Before I dive into the knowledge I acquired from the conference, I want to take this time to answer a couple of questions that you guys have been asking me via email.
These are the top 5 questions that you guys have asked:
1. What exactly is the goal of the Options and Traders Network?
– The goal is to create a network of like minded people who want to achieve greatness. I want to educate people from scratch and show them how to become millionaires. This is going to take some work, but it is possible. I want people to develop themselves, learn new ideas, and share their knowledge with future generations. I ultimately want to boost your “deal flow”. This is the ultimate key and a secret to generational wealth.
2. Why do you only teach trading and when will we learn about investments?
– I teach trading, because it is my bread and butter. It is the high income skill that I have developed which can make me money anywhere in the world, at any point in time in my life, age is not a limiting factor. It is something that, if I lost all my money tomorrow, I can use this skill to make it all back. It is a skill, not a talent, so it can be learned. It is something that nobody can take away from me. It is like riding a bike, once you learn, even if you haven’t rode one in a while, you can get on one and begin riding again. I find great joy in trading, it is my passion and it makes me feel happy. Trading also teaches you the millionaire mindset, and it challenges you every time you enter a trade. It keeps your mentality sharp as a knife, it forces you to always stick to your plan if you want to be successful.
– Addressing the second part, I only teach my top students about investments. I do this for two main reasons. Reason number one, investments require risk tolerance and the mentality to stay afloat when things are sinking. Reason number two, if you do not have a day job and a side job or side hustle (trading is mine), how can you afford to invest money? How can you afford to take the risk of losing money when you barely have enough to pay your bills? You need to stabilize your living expenses first. Second, grow your side income. Third, invest. It is that simple. I will talk about this in a future report when I introduce my ideology of the “Wealth Triangle”.
3. Why are you giving away all this information for free?
– I am an entrepreneur who has acquired all this knowledge through my own experiences, and it gives me a sense of rejoice when I can teach what I have learned. You see, I am not really creating a whole lot of new ideas or new concepts. I may refine a couple of concepts, but at the end of the day, all my knowledge was taught to me by my mentor. My mentor’s knowledge was taught to him by his mentors. It is 2020 and all the knowledge you want to know about anything can be easily accessed via google. I am simply compiling all this knowledge and funneling it from my perspective to you.
4. Do you really plan on turning $500 into $10,000 on a live stream?
– Absolutely, this is probably the hardest challenge I have taken on. It is a real test of your diligence. Your perseverance, your drive, your motivation, and it makes you feel alive. It allows you to challenge your mindset and stick to your plan every single day the market is open.
Check out my live stream if you want to learn from me in real-time.
Key Difficulty Factor: I am trading with a small account during this insane market volatility due to the Coronavirus.
5. What does your wealth portfolio look like and what is the projected profit?
– My investment portfolio consists of about 40% angel investing, 20% BDCs, 20% options trading, and 20% cash flow. This isn’t going to be the same ratio for everybody, this is my ratio.
The projected profit is going to be a bit tricky to pinpoint, because these are mainly speculative. I have a list of 11 companies I chose to invest in based on my own due diligence and deal flow network which was presented to me by my mentors. Based on my research, the companies I invested in are solving large problems with a large total addressable market. They all have very strong founders with strong key investors (smart money) giving them tons of money during their funding raises. If 50% of my startup investments fail, I am still speculating a 20 million dollar return in the next 3-8 years. Keep in mind, every year, I am constantly adding to my investment portfolio (generational wealth).
BDCs are on par with my options trading, it is also my bread and butter tool for investing. BDCs offer high yield dividends which pay quarterly dividends. With enough capital invested, these companies work as “Assets” which pay for your “liabilities”. This nets you with no living expenses. Some people use real estate in lieu of BDCs, but I have found that BDCs are more liquid than real estate if you are in need of quick cash flow. Especially if the market crashes like now. It would be difficult to sell a house in this economy, but a BDC? I can do that in a matter of seconds.
Obviously you guys already know about options trading from me. I don’t need to waste time explaining it. This percentage of my portfolio is going to be a lot less until the challenge is complete. I don’t have a lot of wiggle room right now :).
I believe everyone should always have at least 20% of their portfolio as cash flow for a rainy day.
Let’s dive into the video conference.
So what did I learn from Jordan Belfort?
Jordan’s career started in 1987 with the great depression. Nobody trusted brokers, because of the huge market crash.
In 2008, the great depression caused the housing market to crash.
In 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic crashed the market, travel and social gatherings are now limited.
What do these all have in common?
“Nobody is going to give a shit, human beings are going to be human beings. In one year from now, everybody is going to forget about social distancing and things will go back to normal.”
– Jordan Belfort The Wolf Of Wall Street
In 1 year from each of the past depressions, everybody forgot about what happened. The market was able to pick up again.
He also pointed out that many great startups emerged after each of these depression periods.
After 1987 there was the dot com bubble. After 2008, Uber, Amazon, and AirBnb emerged.
An early investor in Uber, Amazon, or AirBnb would have turned $1000 into $10,000,000.
The big question is, “After 2020, what startups are going to emerge?”
This is what I am talking about . . . DEAL FLOW.
This is why you need a network, this is why you need mentors. This is why you have me, because the odds of you meeting people like Jordan Belfort (The older deal flow network) is very slim.
This is his last quote, and I am going to leave it here, because it really resonates with me.
“80% of traders fail and lose because they do not have a system, they do not use their brain and stick to their plan. They sell winners and they forget to sell losers. They end up with plain dog shit. Invest in your market education, and take a look at the past, because history repeats itself.”
– Jordan Belfort The Wolf of Wall Street
Jordan now teaches sales on his website if you were wondering what he is up to now.
This is his latest successful business:
Stay tuned, learn more, ask questions. Become a 6 digit survivor. Check out the live stream.
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I want to point out, I am not a registered investment adviser or broker/dealer. I am a highly profitable options trader who has been successful time after time, and I have changed the lives of many people through the art of trading on the stock market.
– Ken